Saturday, July 9, 2011


Ok so, I have to say this first adventure was a success. I mean, you wouldn't think it could've been, considering the way the day started. We had all originally planned to hit up some of the coffee shops on campus after our board meeting, but Hikma, Sundus, Kafia and Simona were hungry and we ending up going to Lavash. Me, I just wanted something chocolate. And coffee. By the time that was through, we weren't in the mood to spend any more money... and were planning on going home after deeming our first day of debauchery a fail. Seriously, what is there to do in Columbus when you're a broke college kid? Then Simona mentioned something about a park. I suggested the Park of Roses. Game on.

Fast forward to Whetstone. We embarked on our little adventure through the woods...we had no idea a place like this was hiding in Columbus...winding paths, twisted trees, a quaint little creek-it was beautiful. Also, dogs. Four of the most beautiful, enormous dogs I had ever seen--you know, the kind that fill your arms when you hug them. They really were quite a sight. You know what else was quite a sight? Seeing Hikma, Kafia and Shukri run all the way back to the car as one of the dogs chased them. I think Kafia lost her shoes at one point. Sundus, Simona and I died of laughter.

On the rest of our hike we encountered a talkative drunk guy, three random kids wandering around alone, Santa, a rusty pipe, killer fake accents, a dead end, a lost car and some veeeery steep drops. For a bunch of girls in flip flops, I think we did pretty well on our first day. Now, time to bury our faces in our respective exam books until next week.

Lesson learned: Never plan an adventure. Just let it happen.

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